I am expanding Hot Flash: A Celebration to include the Rest of Life. If you participated in the original Hot Flash Questionnaire, you may wish to add further observations from having lived another ten years or so. Our perspectives are constantly evolving.
My books have followed my interests and pre-occupations through life. In doing research for this book, I have become much more aware of our cultural bias against age, and that actually we are not doomed to become doddering and confused just because we’ve put on a few more years. Your answers to these questions will be very helpful to me in formulating the last part of my book…don’t feel limited by the questions, and please suggest others to which you would like answers…or write and send pictures about your personal experience. If you make art, please include a sample jpeg 300dpi about 6” on the longest side…if that is Greek (or Geek) to you, please email a clear photo with a plain white background. I recommend reading This Chair Rocks: A Manifesto Against Ageism by Ashton Applewhite. Questions asked for original Hot Flash! book that could be used for new one.
The HOT FLASH!: A Celebration QUESTIONNAIRE I made up the questionnaire based on my own personal questions and feelings--pain is easier to share than experience alone, and often someone has found a solution we can use! Feel free to share this with your family and friends, or participate in my ongoing discussion on Facebook at my Page: Pamela. In interest of saving space, I’ll refer to the questions by number in the replies. 1. What does the term Hot Flash mean to you? What images do you see, associations? 2. When you were young, how did you think about women over 25/40/60? 3. What did you always dream of doing? 4. Have you done it, and if so, would you tell us about how you were able to fulfill your dream 5. Have you done/accomplished anything since you turned 25/40/60 that has surprised you, surprised your family or other people? 6. Do you have challenges you never expected? Unexpected rewards? 7. If so, how has that changed how you see yourself? Has it changed your remaining dreams? 8. What advice at your age now____ would you give to your younger self at age____ Would the younger you have listened to the older you? How would the advice have changed your life now? 9. Do you know about hair loss in women? In what other ways do women suffer?...or have advantages over men? 10. What was/is your favorite age and why? 11. What do you wish you’d known sooner? 12. What is your favorite form of self-expression or what kind would you like to try 13. If you were to die tomorrow, what would you regret not having done? Examples: career change, education, raising grandchildren, travel, organizing, creating. |
Hot Flash! and All the Rest
What was your perception of aging when you were younger? I was conditioned “not to trust anyone over 30 during the Sixties. My grandparents’ putting their false teeth into a glass at night was totally horrifying. What adjectives do you associate with aging? What changes have you noticed in yourself in the last 10-20 years What has stayed the same? How old do you feel inside…your essential self? What things did you want to do when you were younger (bucket list)? or Dreams Which have you done? What have you done that you never expected? What are the goals of your remaining years? Were you taught to “give back” to your community? How have you satisfied this goal? What activities give you pleasure, sun, beach, yard, friends, food, Passion? I see scientists, educators, architects, farmers, mothers, mechanics, artists as having passion about their work…and continuing to pursue their “work” forever. I think this passion keeps them healthier and more vital What would you still like to do or accomplish? What is stopping you—or not? Have you written a will? How do you picture yourself at 80 or 100? Who have you cared for in your life? Who will care for you if you are disabled? If Art (including visual, musical, written) is one of the activities that gives you pleasure, will you still be making art all your life? |