Keeping the Art of the Doll and Art & Healing Doll Making Alive & Well
Premier Healing and Transformative Doll Making Resource
Healing and Transformative Doll Making Artists and Teachers
Online Groups & Self-Study Classes, Coaching, Mentoring, Books and Dolls
Online Groups & Self-Study Classes, Coaching, Mentoring, Books and Dolls
What's New
Barb Kobe
See what you get when you buy her book from her
The Healing Doll Way A Guided Process Creating Art Dolls for Self-Discovery, Awareness and Transformation Barb offers online classes based on her book. Healing Doll Way class at |
Anne Heck
author, artist, speaker and workshop facilitator. This from Anne's blog Healing Doll Journey Dolls have been used for thousands of years and across many cultures to hold intense emotion and doll making as a way of doing deep healing work.Join me as I share slides and stories of my healing journey throughthe making of dolls. Here I explain how I've used the medicine wheel - a transformative symbol from indigenous cultures - as a map to navigate my creative healing journey. Learn how intention, creative expression, and listening can facilitate your healing. |

We will be featuring healing doll artists on the MAKERS Page
If you are a healing doll maker and want to share you and your dolls Contact [email protected] for details.
Why Use Doll Making for Healing, Transformation and Personal Growth
When Barb Kobe began designing and making sets of feeling puppets, she noticed that she could transfer a feeling from inside her into a puppet/doll and talk to it and with it. When she used her feeling puppets and dolls in conversations with children the dolls brought about a safe, non-threatening, emotional discussion. When she spoke to parents groups about emotional communication using the puppets, she listened to stories about stuffing feelings and never having learned how to talk about feelings, let alone express them through art making. This was the beginning of her realization that making a doll and could be used as an instrument for change, growth and healing.
You can change how you see yourself making a doll. You can talk to yourself using a doll that you made.You can use the imagery of doll making--thought in concrete visual form--to focus your energy into evolving new ways of being and doing. Doll makers create symbols of an emotion, a feeling, a sensation, a struggle or a celebration. A self made doll, a figurative form, can stand as an honoring of something sacred outside or within you. Dollmaking is different than any other form of allows you the experience of holding a part of yourself in your hands. You become your own witness of your life, feeling it and embodying it.
If you are a healing doll maker and want to share you and your dolls Contact [email protected] for details.
Why Use Doll Making for Healing, Transformation and Personal Growth
When Barb Kobe began designing and making sets of feeling puppets, she noticed that she could transfer a feeling from inside her into a puppet/doll and talk to it and with it. When she used her feeling puppets and dolls in conversations with children the dolls brought about a safe, non-threatening, emotional discussion. When she spoke to parents groups about emotional communication using the puppets, she listened to stories about stuffing feelings and never having learned how to talk about feelings, let alone express them through art making. This was the beginning of her realization that making a doll and could be used as an instrument for change, growth and healing.
You can change how you see yourself making a doll. You can talk to yourself using a doll that you made.You can use the imagery of doll making--thought in concrete visual form--to focus your energy into evolving new ways of being and doing. Doll makers create symbols of an emotion, a feeling, a sensation, a struggle or a celebration. A self made doll, a figurative form, can stand as an honoring of something sacred outside or within you. Dollmaking is different than any other form of allows you the experience of holding a part of yourself in your hands. You become your own witness of your life, feeling it and embodying it.
“Dolls are one of the symbolic treasures of the instinctual nature. For centuries humans have felt that dolls emanate both a holiness and mana – an awesome and compelling prescience which acts upon persons, changing them spiritually. Dolls are believed to be infused with life by their makers. They are used as markers of authority and talismans to remind one of one’s own power."
Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Women Who Run With Wolves
Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Women Who Run With Wolves
Why Learn About and Make Healing Dolls

We tend to see ourselves in the doll. It represents an aspect of the human condition. When one engages with the process of making a doll all kinds of possibilities come to the surface. Dollmaking is a way to free oneself of worries, struggles and emotions. Creating a doll, or any art, directly effects the automatic nervous system which controls body functions and the immune system.
Barb Kobe The Healing Doll Way

A doll can be a tool, works on the artist as the artist works on it. It instructs, contains the sacred, represents the deep desire of the body to recreate itself, expresses every emotion from anger to love, pain to joy., It embellishes space. A doll allows you to see who you are.
elinor peace bailey
Mother Plays With Dolls

"I came to a point of my life when I was going deeper into my emotional healing and was finding that the traditional healing channels were not touching me as an artist. I needed the whole of me healed, and my art is the major form of how I communicate. I believe art is a form of language, and I needed all of my communication skills to heal the whole of me."
Linda Hansen, a participant in a Medicine Doll group
Linda Hansen, a participant in a Medicine Doll group